Isolde by Exodi

That's right chicas, today is the official release of the "Isolde" line from Exodi!
-cheers- Coming in 5 different skin tones, ranging from porcelain pale to exoctically dark there's a match for everyone. A total of count em... 15 -that's right I said 15- makeup options per skin tone. 

Not to mention, included are 4 free tattoo hairbases (red, black, brown, blonde)  all Viewer2 compatible. And as if Exodi couldn't offer more. Light brow, dark brow, freckled and non freckled skin opts are available on each skin! I've deliberately only shown 4 here, as a teaser.

But wait there's more! I know I know! You're over there going no way, more? Mhmmm, there's more. Exodi is giving away Isolde Makeup #17 as a group gift! Three other makeup options will also be given out free. That's right...FREE. Make-ups 18 & 19 will be in the lucky chair and fishing hole respectively. Makeup 20 a rare, exclusive gift, will be found in the gacha machine!

And tonight Exodi & WOE are hosting a sim launch party! With Makeup 16 being given out FREE during the sim wide gacha hunt. With over 50 free prizes to be had, this is an event you won't want to miss!

:: Exodi :: & :.WoE.: Isolde Skin & Sim Launch Party

Date: August 3, 2010
Time: 5PM SLT - 7PM SLT

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