Spotlight on KK Fetish!

Those of you who know me in game know I've been around for a bit  -winks-  Lucky you, right? No, really just kidding. But in my wanderings throughout the glorious grid, I was lucky enough to find KK Fetish in the fashion world shortly after I zoned into SL. My tastes range from cutesy to dark,  so this store fit right in line with my varied tastes. Offering a bit of naughty to the nice.

In fact three years later I still have -what is my- favorite ensemble from Kayliwulf Kingdom -"bad kitty"- No, No, don't worry I'm not gonna pull it out here. But it was the reason I contacted Daphne and Laz to see if they would be agreeable to a blog post dedicated enitrely to them. To my delight not only did they agree, but I was the lucky recipient of one full fledged tour given by the face of KK Fetish herself, Daphne.

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of details, and the texture work that goes into the designs. In fact my 'bad kitty' outfit looks even better now with all the improvements in SL then it did when i first acquired it. Which speaks volumes about the ingenuity of designs that is going on over at KK!

KK Fetish recently underwent a remodeling of it's 4 story empire. From thier Discount center featuring over 100 ensembles, to the thier shoe palace, there is something here for even the most discerning shopper. The outfits geared straight towards Neko community with the Fetish Fur line are not to be missed. they're even perfect for those club nights that have a theme!

Fetish Boy, which is aimed straight at the male population offers a wide variety of options, that you're just not going to find anywhere else. And these ensembles? Oh yeah, it's the full package, shoes outfit, and collar {if you like to wear one}

The Shoe palace, which as you can see is literally a little palace. I was smiling hard in reals while we did this tour. It was just adorable. And the shoe line offered at KK is top notch. Now I love my Moody's don't get me wrong, but with KK you are going to find not only the look, but you won't have to take off your shoes to TP!

To my delight, as we rounded out our little tour, with a glimpse into the hidden office which overlooks this empire four years strong now, we got on the subject of textures. Now those of you who know me I do a bit of roleplaying {hehe} in my second life. I know you're like, "what do textures have to do with RP?"  Trust me it's gonna make sense -winks- Daphne tossed out the information about her clothing which is geared for those who like to Rp breast augmentation.

Now, I have a few friends who like this genre, personally not my thing but hey, more power too em, because lo and behold... Daphne and Laz have created a line of fetish wear just for those who do! Don't be alramed, my girls are still the same as they ever were for those who care! But take a look at this number, straight from Daphne herself.

This outfit "Dark Galaxy" is one of many geared towards those who wish to roleplay augmentation. Coming included in this 13 piece pack, is a universal adapter which fits the textures to match the shape of the breasts. Leaving you with no mangled textures! But don't worry, if you're like me and are happy with what you have? It can still be worn and shown off without the Augments!

I didn't go far out of my way to accessorize this lil number, because, it just didn't need it. The forced ballet heel ankle boots are included with this outfit, and are resizeable. The hair is a simple tight poni done by MiaMai, Nails by candy nail, and lashes by Detour.

Head on down and have a look about for yourself. See all the things I just couldn't fit into this one page. I promise you'll be delighted! Thank you daphne and Laz, wishing you 4 more great years! And don't forget to stop by the gift table and pic up your free items from Daphne and Laz!
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