Perfect Pairings

It's raining here, not one of those romantic thunderstorms where you snuggle up beside a loved one. But one that hits unexpectedly mid afternoon. The sunshine quickly fading, leaving you feeling just -blah- But aha! It's always sunny in Second Life {thanks to those wonderful environment settings}. And what better way to cheer yourself up then to don some wonderful summer attire from Alexohol! Who, by the way is currently still at the Summer of Love Fair. Running till the 8th of August, so make sure you head on down there!
On the left, a fun lil bikini that's offered free at SOL made by Alexohol in the question marks littered about the sim. All in plain sight and bright green. The flip flops are from Parx, a previous hunt giftie {but plz, don't ask me which one, I can't remember} On the right, another offering at the SOL by Alexohol,  the flirty, Cayman Sunset {sol edition-(not free)} Paired with Baby Monkey's Classic Flat{red}
The hair in both pics is another past hunt giftie, Wyeld by Dark Side Creations
I had to get a close-up on these two skins both offered at the Summer of Love Venue by III. -whispers- And III doesn't limit her talents to just skins, she makes clothing too ladies! On the left, Summer tone - SOL - Skin 2. On the right, Summer tone -SOL - Skin 1. I love the subtle tan offered up in this skin. Just a hint of a summer's kiss. Both skin's were complemented by Acide's Obsession {black} piercing. And finally, my only other accessory to both outfits 
 -I know...scary right? me? only 2 accessories? By Kay's
-Nails-  {kissed}. They were just to adorable, in a baby pink hue, a pouty lil kiss done in red as an embellishment.
Compliments to:
Baby Monkey
By Kay
The SOL Venue
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