Advertisin wit da Fiend

Thank you for advertising on Fashion Fiend! Please send a notecard in-world to Heatherly Jewell to begin advertising on this site. All payments are to be paid directly to Heatherly Jewell. Please do not send offline IM's I may not get it. Please please please use a notecard! But if you must - after sending the offline, copy & paste it to a notecard and drop it (in world) to me.
Also, the  page titled "Contacting The Fiend" includes an easy to use contact form. Please fill it out and hit the send button upon completeion with all pertinent info. This ensure that you have two forms contact with the Fiend.

Your notecard should include:
1.)Your Name & Business/Store Name
2.)The SLURL or URL to be used with your advertisement
3.)Payment Amount – Transaction Details
4.)Which site you wish to advertise on{}

Advertising Pricing on
10 Days: $1,500L

30 Days: $5,000L

90 Days: $12,500L

180 Days: $23,000L

365 Days: $50,000L

1.) "Is the Fiend syndicated?" - yes through three major fashion feeds as well as each post being part of my Lead Contribution efforts in collaboration with Fashion Palace.
2.) "Is the Fiend searchable?" - yes Fashion Fiend is crawled daily and has been submitted to over 50 search engines.
3.) "Is there a difference in the sites?" -Technically, no. You can find the majority of content on either site. However, there are posts each month which can only be found at one site or the other. IE- exclusives to either blogspot or wordpress.
4.) "Are there pro-rated prices for advertising on both sites?" - Yes. simply ask for a pro-rated dual sponsorship package in your contact to The Fiend.

Advertisement Requirements
The ad image size will be 125 by 125 {pixels} and linked to either your SLurl or URL (please note your choice on notecard & contact form via this site)

Important: Send me your image!
Two methods available-

1.) Send your notecard inworld. This picture should be full perms and in the correct size (125 by 125) and include your site url or slurl. Yes I can resize the picture for you, but I prefer it already be the right dimensions. This speeds up the process and leaves the consumer happy with post process quality of thier picture.
2.) After contact via this site, The Fiend will indeed email you back. At such time please feel free to reply with an attachment of your picture.

Changing Advertisement:
You are free to update your image or information at any time . To do so, please send an updated notecard to Heatherly Jewell or contact me through this site.

Questions? Please ask away! I will gladly address any questions or issues. Yes, Prices can be pro-rated. Please send me an email or notecard in world to discuss.

Ads are not placed immediately. They will be placed on a first come first served basis after payment is confirmed. Further, please allow up to 72 hours after payment for advertisement to be placed on the site, I'm fast but I'm not God!
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