No H8

Wondering what it is? Initially I came across the No H8 Scavenger Hunt, hosted a few months back. At the time there was a brief bio stating that it was to raise awareness for GLBT rights. {gay, lesbian, bi, transgender} I had heard snippets of news casts referring to Proposition 8. I didn't realize that the hunt, was directly related to SL's efforts as a community to support this real world protest.

I never considered myself much of an activist, but I guess all of us are in our own ways. Perhaps selfishly, because we  -well most of us- only step seem to step up when an issue directly relates to ourselves, or our loved ones somehow. Want to learn more about this silent protest before throwing your hat in the ring? For more information---> No H8

I personally am 'straight' but I do however have many friends and yes, even family who this issue effects. I've seen the cold shoulder given in both realms when someone 'reveals' by purpose thier preferences. I've seen the fallout behind people assuming someone is 'queer'.Is that even PC? Dunno but I'm claiming it, in the best of ways. And to show my support  of those in both realms who deal with the hatred and ignorance surrounding thier sexuality and choices, I've joined the No H8 campaign.

Now you might be asking yourself, "How do I show my support?" Glad you asked.... Currently, CreativeEdge Studios is running a promotion. Join the second life group No H8 to show your support, then get in contact with Kaliope Faith, CES's Ceo {alliteration much?} to schedule your FREE shoot. You may now be wondering, "How is this fashion related?", Well first off just cause I said so -winks- But more realistically, YOU are making a fashion statement by what you choose to wear {or not wear}. You are free to use your own styling in making your personal visual statement!  To better explain, I will go straight from Kaliope's flyer...

Cost: All photos will be FREE of charge. If you desire to make a donation, the entire proceeds will go directly to the NO H8 Campaign.

Attire: To participate in this photo campaign you MUST wear all white attire -or- be nude. Dramatic styling is welcomed and accessories can be of any color. The face tattoo as well as the duct tape for your lips will be given to you free of charge when you show up for your shoot.

Display: All photos become property of NO H8 and will be displayed in the NO H8 Photo Garden, CreativEdge Studios and on our official flickr group. You will be given a full rights copy of your photo as well to be used as you please.

So why not head on down and show your support? Kaliope's waiting on ya!

Sidenote: pic1- Heatherly Jewell {moi}, pic2- Gustavas Lefevre, pic3- Kaliope Faith
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